Support for Uniform and Study Material


This project provides 2 high quality pairs of uniforms to 50+ abandoned orphan children studying 1st class to 10th class. Without uniform it is very difficult for us to send the underprivileged children to schools regularly. The project cost utilizes for the uniforms material and stitching charges. With this Uniforms the children will attend school regularly without getting any punishments from school teachers. All the children feel happy and we can see smile on their faces. please come forward and join your hands to bring smile on the face’s.

Uniforms– One Child’s Clothes & Necessary Needs 

Rs. 5,000 : One Child’s Uniform, Regular Cloths, Bed and Bed Spreads will be funded for using this Donation. 

One year Clothes for a kid

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Donation Total: ₹5,000.00

Activities – Sports and Yoga

Rs. 50,000 : All kind of Sports Equipments, Yoga mats and Yoga Instructor’s fee will be funded using this donation. This will be for the entire lot of children at Samuha Foundation. 

Krida – Sports and Yoga

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Donation Total: ₹50,000.00

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